Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gus is in a climbing phase as of a couple weeks ago. He is able to climb on the couch all by himself. He enjoys climbing on other things as well, including our feet. I caught him climbing in my kitchen drawer the other day. It was funny so I had to snap a picture. It's amazing how much babies change in a couple years time. Gus surely has an attitude. I'm not sure if it comes from Ted or me? I think this is a frustrating time for babies because they want to express themselves, but are so limited on their words. Yet, in a couple weeks his vocabulary could double. I can't imagine doubling my vocabulary in a couple weeks!

Ted has been busy with work. After he got back from West Virginia, he had a crazy week working on the mine plan. I know how frustrating his job can be at times, but I'm just thankful he still has one. It seems the layoff's up here have been affecting everyone. All the mines have laid off with talk of not returning to work until next year, 2010. I know tons of families that are out of work. It is scary. I'm thankful for the security I have in God. I believe that he will take care of the basic needs of my family at all times as long as I trust Him. I know that even if we went through hard times we would be able to still praise God for His blessings.

I have made my decision that I will quit Girl Scouts. I talked with someone from the Girl Scout office. She said I could take on a smaller troop next year, but I feel my time has another direction better spent wisely.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day

St. Patrick's day was filled with a teething baby, Erin was home sick, and cabbage. It was an interesting combination none of which is entirely enjoyable. Well, maybe cabbage, but not standing alone. I made cabbage rolls which turned out really good. I'm almost done with all the girl scout cookie stuff. Whoof, I can't wait! It is a lot of responsibility. I had to sort 1400 boxes of cookies for parents to pick up. Then I have to collect all the money and deposit that and send it to the bank in Minneapolis. Plus, I had to go to the cookie cupboard twice to get more cookies. It's a big hassle. I'm not sure if I am going to volunteer to be a leader next year. I don't want to let the girls down, but we have other activities going on and Erin wants to devote more time to music lessons.

There are too many decisions to make in life. I sometimes wish I could be more of a free spirit, but with kids I think that pretty much goes out the window. I get overwhelmed when I think about the amount of time I spend in a day doing things entirely for other people. I do love my life, but it does get pretty hectic at times. Anyways, I titled this picture, "Italian Attitude with and Irish Temper."

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Day

Today was a simple day. Yesterday I had girl scouts, but today was a simple day. The day after girl scouts is always relaxing. Gus and I stayed in our pj's till about 9:00. Sesame Street ends at 9:00 and Gus watches it most mornings. He took a nap at about 11:00-1:00. I showered and relaxed reading a magazine. We ate some lunch of leftover chicken and veggies. Then we ran an errand to the bank and stopped bye to see Sarah & Jayla. Jayla is 20 months old and Gus's play date. We visited while the kids played. Gus was exhausted by 5:00 when we left. He had fun and played hard. It is funny how much more worn out a kid gets when he or she plays with other kids as opposed to themselves. Play dates are good for toddlers! KC, Erin, & Jesse are at their mom's this week, but they can wear out Gus pretty easy too! Next week is going to be much more busy, as we have play rehearsals all week and performances on the weekend. I am ready for some relaxing sleep. Today was a simple day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

End of February

The nights are still cold, but the days are starting to warm up. I am looking forward to spring with anticipation for walking outside. I desire the cool fresh air that isn't bitter cold. Erin has one more week of rehearsals for her spring musical. Next weekend are her performances on Friday & Saturday. She is in a 60's surfing play, cowabunga dude! KC & Jesse just passed their Karate test tonight. They are both green belts. I was excited for them and they both enjoy the martial arts. We are all talking about the summer and how nice it will be to relax without any scheduled activities. I think we are going to pack it up and move to the cabin for the summer. Tracy might have management training in Atlanta this summer so I might have the kids full time. We are beginning to talk about our goals and projects for the cabin. Spring where are you hiding? Will we find you this March or will we have to wait for April?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Valentine's Day used to be the holiday I despised because it seemed so silly. Of course the fact I never had a Valentine might have played into that idea. I still do think the holiday is silly. There are those romantics who believe in love always, and make the day seem special. There are those who were like me sitting saucily in sarcasm over a day just for couples. There are those who relish in any money scheming holiday. You know the ones who are head to toe in green on St. Patricks day, wear bunny ears on Easter, and even succumb to fuzzy sweaters with trees at Christmas.

So what's my point you ask? Love is many things to many people and if you are given a day to spread love I encourage you to do it. I hope that everyone loves someone, a mom, sister, son, uncle, lover, friend. If you don't have the traditional valentine, don't throw away the day as if it doesn't belong to you. God teaches us to love every day, for what is God, but love.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My mom took Gus tonight overnight. The kids are at their moms. I am so excited to clean my house. I don't think I have ever let it get this bad. I even cancelled Girl Scouts for tomorrow, although I was going to do that anyway because of schedualing. I stopped at Wal-mart to get pinesol, mmmmm. I love the smell of pinesol. I have been using vinegar and baking soda to clean my house for about six months. It has been going pretty well, but I really wanted to clean with pinesol and get that clean smell in addition to knowing it's clean. I am just in love with pinesol today!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today was very busy. The kids are at their mom's this week, but they rode the bus to our house anyway. Tracy is on afternoons. Erin and Jesse had dentists appointments at 3:30 and 4:15. Erin had play rehearsal from 6 to 7:30. The boys had karate from 7-8. I was a non stop taxi service this evening. I was thankful for the dvd player in the car because Gus was getting restless. He watched a sesame street dvd to keep him occupied for part of the running.